Sunday, August 4th at 2:00 pm At the Livestock Show Ring Buyer registration begins at 1:00 pm Contact person: Susan Korpi @ 202-9642 EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Thank you to the 2024 Chicken buyers! Junction Auto Repair, Holmquist Feed Mill, Christmas Auto Repair, Mick Rondeau County Commissioner, Trudgeon Landscaping Jeff Olson Family, Andy Riechert, The Skandia Farmers Market Silas Auto, Melody Wagner for State Representative Mama Cows, Timber Products, Hi-Lites Salon, DeVooght Farms Skandia Baseball, Knaus Recycling, the Korpi Family Suhs Farms, Strohm Family, Andy Drayton Logging DeVooghts General Store, The Sauce House
There are two separate chicken auctions on Sunday, August 6th. The first one is for kids ages 8-19, the second one is for the "Chicken Littles", youth 7 and under.
Chicken project shall consist of ONE market chicken with a minimum weight of 5 pounds. Pullets or cockerels can be used.
Youth between 8-19 must enter their chicken into the chicken showmanship class on Saturday morning and fill out the market book linked above.
Chicken Little participants do not have their chickens on the fairgrounds all weekend or fill out the record book. They are required to bring their chicken to the chicken barn between noon and 1 p.m. on Sunday for Pullorum testing and weighing. The bird must pass this test to be sold
The chicken must be clean and dry when brought in to the fair. No wet chickens or washing them on the grounds.
Pre-registration for the auction is July 15th!
The project record book must be completed and turned into Susan Korpi in the chicken barn by 5 p.m. on Thursday.
Youth chickens must stay on the grounds the weekend of the fair
Market chickens will be sold in the following order: Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, then judge will determine order. The Chicken Little auction will follow the youth sale.
All exhibitors are responsible to to butcher and properly prepare and deliver the meat to the buyer within two weeks time. Exhibitors will receive their payment from the fair after delivery to buyer.
A 10% selling fee will be held back from the seller's checks to cover commissions and advertising.